Marlon Barkley
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In our ongoing "Republican Hero" series, we take a look at one of the most well known "heroes" aligned with the Republican party, Ted "Shitpants" Nugent (R).
When we talk about Republican heroes, we should all keep in the back of our heads the mantra of the party; family values, personal responsibility, privacy, liberty and fiscal responsibility.
When you look for the perfect "hero" of your party, then the at the top of the list must be Ted "Shitpants" Nugent. As the kids say these days, "Wait...what???"
Come on, he is perfect, he loves guns, he threatened a sitting presidents life, he's all about personal responsibility and owning as many guns as you can, so that must mean he's a patriot and served honorably...Wait for it...
In an interview with High Times in 1977, Ted Nugent said, "Do you think I was gonna lay down my guitar and go play army? Give me a break!" The honorable patriot continues, "I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build...Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up." These are the his own words and it's an astonishing look inside the mind of a Republican Hero.
Remember the family values party? In 1978, 'Merican Hero Nugent fell in love with a minor Pele Massa. She was 17. Since she couldn't get married because of age, then the next step is naturally getting her parents to sign documents to make Ted "Shitpants" Nugent her legal guardian. You read that right. Legal guardian so he can fuck a minor. Then, our Hero continues to have 8 children with two different women, is married twice and then we find out he had a love child. Wang dang sweet poon tang, that's what I call "family values".
There you have it. Republican Hero Ted "Shitpants" Nugent. Deterioration.
When we talk about Republican heroes, we should all keep in the back of our heads the mantra of the party; family values, personal responsibility, privacy, liberty and fiscal responsibility.
When you look for the perfect "hero" of your party, then the at the top of the list must be Ted "Shitpants" Nugent. As the kids say these days, "Wait...what???"
Come on, he is perfect, he loves guns, he threatened a sitting presidents life, he's all about personal responsibility and owning as many guns as you can, so that must mean he's a patriot and served honorably...Wait for it...
In an interview with High Times in 1977, Ted Nugent said, "Do you think I was gonna lay down my guitar and go play army? Give me a break!" The honorable patriot continues, "I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build...Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. poop, piss the whole shot. My pants got crusted up." These are the his own words and it's an astonishing look inside the mind of a Republican Hero.
Remember the family values party? In 1978, 'Merican Hero Nugent fell in love with a minor Pele Massa. She was 17. Since she couldn't get married because of age, then the next step is naturally getting her parents to sign documents to make Ted "Shitpants" Nugent her legal guardian. You read that right. Legal guardian so he can fuck a minor. Then, our Hero continues to have 8 children with two different women, is married twice and then we find out he had a love child. Wang dang sweet poon tang, that's what I call "family values".
There you have it. Republican Hero Ted "Shitpants" Nugent. Deterioration.