Marlon Barkley
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We all know the Fracking industry insists it is totally safe and doesn't cause any pollution and has never contaminated anyone's water*.
Aruba Petroleum Inc. has lost a lawsuit for contaminating the property of a Bob and Lisa Parr. This is believed to be the first verdict against a Fracking company.
Of course Aruba Petroleum has a shit load of money, so they will appeal the case continuously for the next 25 years hoping Bob and Lisa die just before they get the money Aruba Petroleum owes them so Bob and Lisa can clean up the contamination of their water and land. Just part of the script, right?
Note: Dick Cheney made sure companies he had financial ties to received an exemption from the Clean Water Act. This doesn't classify as a scandal since it was a job creator or simply a Republican idea. I am puzzled, since Republicans always mouth off about letting the "Free Market" decide if a business is viable. I guess in the case of Fracking, Republicans decided government should modify the rules instead of allowing the "Free Market" to decide. If a business has to be allowed to pollute in order to operate, it's not a viable business. Deterioration.
Energy billionaire T. Boone Pickens decided he had to assure the world Fracking is totally safe. Fracking "isn't gonna hurt anybody. The environmentalists, they moan and groan about it, but when you get down to it, fracking is two miles down below the surface, you’re not gonna damage anything,” Pickens said fracking only causes "insignificant" emissions.
Anyone with ounce of common sense could figure this one out. A billionaire sees a legitimate threat to an industry he's made billions from. That is exactly what he should be doing as a tremendous business person. What I find interesting is the damage control was so immediate and pushed out as widespread as possible to portray the lawsuit as an anomaly. Pickens has the ability to command that attention.
Let us not forget, this is an industry Republicans gave total freedom to pollute water. If the industry has to continuously come out to say, “I’ve never seen any of these things that these people claim are happening when you frack a well.” then that's a red flag. We've seen this before, haven't we?
Aruba Petroleum Inc. has lost a lawsuit for contaminating the property of a Bob and Lisa Parr. This is believed to be the first verdict against a Fracking company.
Of course Aruba Petroleum has a shit load of money, so they will appeal the case continuously for the next 25 years hoping Bob and Lisa die just before they get the money Aruba Petroleum owes them so Bob and Lisa can clean up the contamination of their water and land. Just part of the script, right?
Note: Dick Cheney made sure companies he had financial ties to received an exemption from the Clean Water Act. This doesn't classify as a scandal since it was a job creator or simply a Republican idea. I am puzzled, since Republicans always mouth off about letting the "Free Market" decide if a business is viable. I guess in the case of Fracking, Republicans decided government should modify the rules instead of allowing the "Free Market" to decide. If a business has to be allowed to pollute in order to operate, it's not a viable business. Deterioration.
Energy billionaire T. Boone Pickens decided he had to assure the world Fracking is totally safe. Fracking "isn't gonna hurt anybody. The environmentalists, they moan and groan about it, but when you get down to it, fracking is two miles down below the surface, you’re not gonna damage anything,” Pickens said fracking only causes "insignificant" emissions.
Anyone with ounce of common sense could figure this one out. A billionaire sees a legitimate threat to an industry he's made billions from. That is exactly what he should be doing as a tremendous business person. What I find interesting is the damage control was so immediate and pushed out as widespread as possible to portray the lawsuit as an anomaly. Pickens has the ability to command that attention.
Let us not forget, this is an industry Republicans gave total freedom to pollute water. If the industry has to continuously come out to say, “I’ve never seen any of these things that these people claim are happening when you frack a well.” then that's a red flag. We've seen this before, haven't we?