Marlon Barkley
[email protected]
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One fact we can all agree on, except for Fox News watchers, is that the media has one goal, which is to make money.
The past few weeks Republicans have had several unexpected turns in the parties "American Hero" strategy. So far, they've had some issues. Michael Grimm (R), Clive Bundy (R), and now Donald Sterling (R), shit!
Here comes a fun and real-time test. When a major Republican figure, Donald Sterling owner of the Clippers, is caught with a racist rant, what do you do?...What do you do? Here is what happens at the Republican emergency media strategy room:
Dude A says, "You can't rely on Hannity, he screwed that up with Clive Bundy. Beck is completely out of control and Limbaugh is back on OxyContin, can't rely on them."
Dude B says, "How about we just say that wasn't his voice on the tape?"
Intern A says, "Can't NBA lawyers authenticated the audio."
Hannity says, "How about I talk about Saddam's rape rooms?"
Back to Dude A, "Shut the fuck up Hannity. I think we have to bite the bullet and say he has a long history of racism and he should be forced to sell the team."
The past few weeks Republicans have had several unexpected turns in the parties "American Hero" strategy. So far, they've had some issues. Michael Grimm (R), Clive Bundy (R), and now Donald Sterling (R), shit!
Here comes a fun and real-time test. When a major Republican figure, Donald Sterling owner of the Clippers, is caught with a racist rant, what do you do?...What do you do? Here is what happens at the Republican emergency media strategy room:
Dude A says, "You can't rely on Hannity, he screwed that up with Clive Bundy. Beck is completely out of control and Limbaugh is back on OxyContin, can't rely on them."
Dude B says, "How about we just say that wasn't his voice on the tape?"
Intern A says, "Can't NBA lawyers authenticated the audio."
Hannity says, "How about I talk about Saddam's rape rooms?"
Back to Dude A, "Shut the fuck up Hannity. I think we have to bite the bullet and say he has a long history of racism and he should be forced to sell the team."

Dude C, "Hi, may name is Dude C I am taking over for Dude A. Dude A decided to spend more time with his family. Let's just say he is a Democrat."
All together, "Brilliant!"...Long pause... "Shit. He's Republican."
All together, "Brilliant!"...Long pause... "Shit. He's Republican."
Fox News ends up using the strategy to blame every one else for not exposing the "long history"of racist behavior of Donald Sterling. That is perfect! We should all note that in memory. Let's repeat that, "blame others for not exposing something your exposing, even if you don't believe it". Compliments of the mental giant Howard Kurtz.
Lastly, how can you end any story without examining what the Betty Boop of the financial world, the moron's moron, the hair club for men poster child and the Buffoon of Bankruptcy himself has to say...
Lastly, how can you end any story without examining what the Betty Boop of the financial world, the moron's moron, the hair club for men poster child and the Buffoon of Bankruptcy himself has to say...